Market Report

Southern Europe wind power outlook 2019

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This annual report provides a 10-year outlook for new onshore wind power capacity additions in Southern Europe. It examines the primary drivers of new installations in the region, dynamics impacting the overall wind power markets, and the political and regulatory environment to support wind power development over the coming decade. The publication scrutinises the prospects for wind power development in the context of competing technologies, including the emergence of PV and dependence on thermal capacity, as well as the impact of wholesale power pricing. It also analyses the fleet age of existing operational assets in the most mature markets to determine the opportunity for project repowering demand. Key wind power markets covered include Spain, Turkey, Italy, Greece, Portugal, Serbia and Croatia. Base, bull and bear scenario forecasts are available for the region’s three largest markets: Spain, Turkey and Italy. The report also includes a six-page executive summary.

Table of contents

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What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    Southern Europe wind power outlook 2019_PR.pdf

    PDF 3.00 MB

  • Document

    Southern Europe wind power outlook 2019_Exec Summary.pdf

    PDF 511.64 KB