
Downstream oil in brief: Total looks to new energies in the face of decarbonisation

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Fuels marketing is a crucial component of Total's downstream segment. The company is aiming to generate upwards of US$2.5 billion of cash flow from operations from the business by 2022 - an increase of around US$100 million per year from today's levels. To achieve this, it will focus on expanding existing and capturing new business opportunities in large emerging markets as well as maximising non-fuel revenues through partnerships and innovation. Additionally, it will pursue alternative fuels in conjunction with its New Energies division. Given that this sector of the business is a stable source of income, the company remains committed to retaining and growing its integrated retail arm.

Table of contents

Tables and charts

This report includes 9 images and tables including:

  • NWE refining margins
  • NWE gasoline/gasoil crack spreads
  • Med refining margins
  • Med gasoline/gasoil crack spreads
  • Gross marketing margins August 2019
  • Greece gasoline gross marketing margins
  • Greece diesel gross marketing margins
  • Denmark gasoline gross marketing margins
  • Denmark diesel gross marketing margins

What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    Refining Margins.xls

    XLS 309.50 KB

  • Document

    Downstream oil in brief: Total looks to new energies in the face of decarbonisation

    PDF 1.07 MB