
Downstream oil in brief: was 2020 the ultimate test for fuel retailers?

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*Please note that this report only includes an Excel data file if this is indicated in "What's included" below

As sales of road transport fuel plummeted in 2020 due to travel restrictions, fuel retailers have seen increasing demand for non-fuel products as consumers stocked up with groceries at nearby forecourts. Oil Majors including BP, Shell and Total are all counting on higher profits from sales of groceries and food-to-go at their retail networks in the future as demand for traditional carbon-based fuel declines.

Table of contents

  • Moving sales online for further success
  • Plugging shortfalls in fuel sales with non-fuel
  • Conclusion
  • Refining margins weaken as lockdown restrictions tighten across Europe
  • Marketing margins

Tables and charts

This report includes 9 images and tables including:

  • NWE refining margins
  • NWE gasoil/gasoline crack spreads
  • MED refining margins
  • MED gasoline/gasoil crack spreads
  • Gross marketing margins November 2020
  • France gasoline gross marketing margins
  • France diesel gross marketing margins
  • UK gasoline gross retail margins
  • UK diesel gross marketing margins

What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    Refining Margins

    XLS 376.50 KB

  • Document

    Downstream oil in brief: was 2020 the ultimate test for fuel retailers?

    PDF 1.06 MB