Commodity Market Report

Global product markets short-term outlook July 2019

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*Please note that this report only includes an Excel data file if this is indicated in "What's included" below

This monthly update incorporates all of the regional price forecasts and differentials, crude runs, refining margins and product-by-product supply-demand balances through to end-2020. We have created four global commodity market reports: Global refining, Global light ends & gasoline, Global middle distillate, and Global fuel oil. In this update we include an excel download which shows our global balance. This is a sum of the regional balances and provides a view of global demand and supply by product along with stock forecasts and a net trade forecast that indicates where imbalances in our regional forecasts exist.

Table of contents

  • No table of contents specified

Tables and charts

No table or charts specified

What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    Global Refining Report Jul19.pdf

    PDF 1.22 MB

  • Document

    Global Light Ends Gasoline Report Jul19.pdf

    PDF 1.07 MB

  • Document

    Global Middle Distillate Report Jul19.pdf

    PDF 1.30 MB

  • Document

    Global Fuel Oil Report Jul19.pdf

    PDF 1.41 MB

  • Document

    Balances Global Jul19.xls

    XLS 2.44 MB