
Making sense of the RIN chaos

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Event: On February 28, 2017, the Renewable Fuels Association claimed that the Trump administration is set to release an executive order shifting the point of obligation from refiners to blenders. Since then, White House spokeswoman Kelly Love has denied this, saying "There is no ethanol executive order in the works." Uncertainty looms, but what would it mean for the industry? Refiners are obligated to purchase Renewable Identification Numbers (RINs) to cancel out obligations incurred on each gallon of transportation fuel produced. Blenders create the credits when they blend renewable fuels like ethanol and biodiesel into the fuel pool, then sell them to refiners. The price of RINs is arguably passed through to blenders and consumers.

Table of contents

  • Making sense of the RIN chaos

Tables and charts

This report includes 1 images and tables including:

  • Table 1: Cost of RINs to refiners

What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    Making sense of the RIN chaos

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