
New refineries to make Iran self-sufficient in gasoline

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Under economic sanctions, Iran struggled to meet it’s domestic gasoline demand as imports became more difficult, if not impossible, to source. In order to meet the shortfall, Iran began producing ‘ersatz’, or petrochemical gasoline to meet its requirements. The inauguration of the first train of Persian Gulf refinery, and the imminent production of Euro-4 gasoline, will alleviate the need to consume ersatz gasoline. This Insight explores the impact of Persian Gulf refinery on Iran's oil product balances and it's transition to gasoline self-sufficiency.

Table of contents

Tables and charts

This report includes 3 images and tables including:

  • New refineries to make Iran self-sufficient in gasoline: Image 1
  • PetroPlan schematic - Persian Gulf condensate refinery, 360,000 b/d
  • Product Market Service Iran All-Supply Balance

What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    New refineries to make Iran self-sufficient in gasoline

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