Commodity Market Report

North America product markets short-term outlook December 2023

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*Please note that this report only includes an Excel data file if this is indicated in "What's included" below

This monthly update incorporates price forecasts and differentials, crude runs, refining margins and product-by-product supply-demand balances through to end-2025. We are now publishing full product balances for the United States’ sub-regions, or PADDs. We have also broken out international movements for each PADD, to better assess trends in the coastal PADDs. See the data sheet for these new additions. For increased insight into our US forecasts, we have added a methodology worksheet that outlines how we use EIA statistics to generate forecasts. For example, several metrics are required to calculate the US refinery yield of gasoline. Any instances where we have chosen to deviate from the EIA methodology are also listed. Please contact our analysts with any questions or feedback about this new enhancement.

Table of contents

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Tables and charts

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What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    Balances Canada Dec23.xlsx

    XLSX 664.57 KB

  • Document

    Balances Mexico Dec23.xls

    XLS 1.62 MB

  • Document

    Balances Total North America Dec23.xls

    XLS 2.10 MB

  • Document

    Balances USA Dec23.xlsx

    XLSX 870.02 KB

  • Document

    Balances USA PADD 1 Dec23.xlsx

    XLSX 1.02 MB

  • Document

    Balances USA PADD 2 Dec23.xlsx

    XLSX 1.02 MB

  • Document

    Balances USA PADD 3 Dec23.xlsx

    XLSX 1.03 MB

  • Document

    Balances USA PADD 4 Dec23.xlsx

    XLSX 1.01 MB

  • Document

    Balances USA PADD 5 Dec23.xlsx

    XLSX 1.02 MB