Commodity Market Report

Oil products price forecast update May 2024

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The excel files associated with this report provide an update to our short-term products prices and margins forecasts. Prices and margins for May 2024 have been updated to reflect the latest supply and demand changes in our balance forecast. Product cracks in April fell, as global distillate margins continued to slide on increasing supply length heading into the Summer. While rising seasonal gasoline demand continues to prop up gasoline above diesel, we expect the trend to be short-lived, with the start of gasoline production from Dangote in Q3 along with rising diesel demand helping to flip markets back towards a distillate-led mode. In addition to shifting product balances, markets have also turned bearish given a mix of weaker economic data and the potential for a cease-fire in Gaza, which has the potential to further pull-down freight rates from their Q1 highs. The next update to our prices and margins forecast will be our mid-month update published on 16 May 2024.

Table of contents

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What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    Short Term Pricing MED May24.xls

    XLS 2.17 MB

  • Document

    Short Term Pricing MEG May24.xls

    XLS 1.86 MB

  • Document

    Short Term Pricing NWE May24.xls

    XLS 2.45 MB

  • Document

    Short Term Pricing Spore May24.xls

    XLS 2.07 MB

  • Document

    Short Term Pricing USGC May24.xls

    XLS 2.42 MB

  • Document

    Short Term Pricing NYH May24.xls

    XLS 1.34 MB

  • Document

    Short Term Pricing US Midcon May24.xls

    XLS 1.69 MB

  • Document

    Oil products price forecast update May 2024

    PDF 909.07 KB