
Saudi's face-off for crude market share in Asia

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Saudi Arabia has so far been able to defend its market in Asia, a region which provides the highest netback for its crude. The stakes remain high this year and we expect Saudi Arabia to maintain discounted official selling prices (OSPs) for its crude. Refiners continue to benefit as a result of this competition. Refiners should increase their flexibility in sourcing a wider range of crude grades from the Middle East to take advantage of the evolving supply and pricing dynamics. 

Table of contents

Tables and charts

This report includes 5 images and tables including:

  • Asian crude imports 2015 vs 2014, '000 b/d
  • Asian crude imports Q1 2016 vs Q1 2015, '000 b/d
  • Saudi's face-off for crude market share in Asia: Image 3
  • Saudi's face-off for crude market share in Asia: Image 4
  • Saudi's face-off for crude market share in Asia: Image 5

What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    Saudi's face-off for crude market share in Asia

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