Commodity Market Report

Slovenia downstream oil long-term outlook

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*Please note that this report only includes an Excel data file if this is indicated in "What's included" below

With no domestic refining capacity, Slovenia is entirely dependent on oil product imports to satisfy demand. The fuels marketing sector is dominated by Petrol d.d., OMV and MOL. The fuel price is fully deregulated since 2020. In the past, price regulation has acted as a barrier to new market entrants, also limiting the attraction of investment in fuel storage and distribution infrastructure. Low historic fuel margins provided incentive for fuel retailers to develop the non-fuel revenue segments at their service stations, such as convenience stores. In 2021, MOL acquired OMV's downstream business in Slovenia, including its fuel retail network and wholesale business.

Table of contents

  • Market drivers
    • Car parc
    • Gasoline
    • Diesel/ gas oil
    • Jet kerosene
    • Regulatory issues
    • Compulsory stockholding
    • Product quality
    • Biofuels
    • Electromobility
    • Retail network development
    • Retail fuel volumes
    • Retail network efficiency
    • Major players: competitive position
    • Major players: strategies
    • Petrol d.d.
    • MOL Group (MOL/INA)
    • OMV
    • Independents and hypermarkets
    • Diesel
    • Heating gas oil
    • Other products
    • Key issues influencing net profitability
    • Retail fuels marketing
    • Commercial fuels marketing
    • Distribution of oil products
    • Oil product storage infrastructure

Tables and charts

This report includes 15 images and tables including:

  • Overall demand
  • Demand by product
  • Car parc by type
  • Biogasoline and biodiesel blending percentages
  • Retail fuel volumes
  • Number of sites and average throughputs
  • Retail fuel network size and retail fuel market share (2022)
  • Network effectiveness ratio: ratio of share of fuel sales to share of sites
  • Commercial diesel demand
  • Retail gasoline 95RON E5 price formation 2022
  • Retail diesel price formation 2022
  • Gross retail margins per year
  • Storage and distribution infrastrucutre
  • Appendix 1: key demand indicators
  • Appendix 2: demand by product (kt)

What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    Slovenia downstream oil long-term outlook

    PDF 1.94 MB