Asset Report

Domanik tight oil unconventional play

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*Please note that this report only includes an Excel data file if this is indicated in "What's included" below

The Domanik formation is one of the major source rocks of the Volga-Urals Basin. It covers an area of over 400,000 square kilometres. Some reports have suggested over a trillion tonnes of buried organic material in the Domanik – potentially leading to around a trillion barrels of oil in place. The Russian government is determined to maintain oil production above 10 million b/d in the long-term. As a result, tight oil is being emphasised as one of the ways to achieve this goal.

Table of contents

  • Commercialisation overview
  • Update messages
  • Domanik unconventional play timeline
    • New oil production technologies (LLC NTDN)
  • Liquids market
  • Gas market
  • Environment/regulation
    • Terrain
    • Acreage acquisition
    • Uncertainty about strategic reserves.
  • Regulatory framework
  • Fiscal terms
  • Labour and local constraints
  • EU/US technological sanctions
  • Drilling rigs
  • Hydraulic fracturing fleets
  • Water procurement/disposal

Tables and charts

This report includes 6 images and tables including:

  • Extension of the Domanik formation
  • Domanik geological characteristics
  • Domanik unconventional play economic metrics
  • Type well annual production
  • Type well cash flow

What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    Domanik tight oil unconventional play

    PDF 1.76 MB

  • Document

    Data Summary Domanik.xlsx

    XLSX 165.39 KB