Asset Report

Eagle Ford unconventional play

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*Please note that this report only includes an Excel data file if this is indicated in "What's included" below

The Eagle Ford shale is a well developed resource play located in south Texas. Wells produce dry gas, rich gas, volatile oil, black oil or a combination. The Eagle Ford was first targeted as a stand-alone commercial play in 2008, initially as a gas play. Operators began prioritizing liquids in 2010 following EOG's shift to liquids development. The Eagle Ford quickly became the most active tight oil play prior to the oil price downturn in 2014. The Eagle Ford is still an important asset for many companies. The vast majority of activity is in the core condensate areas, especially Karnes Trough and Edwards Condensate.

Table of contents

  • Commercialisation overview
    • Structure and stratigraphy
    • Geochemistry
  • Gas market
    • Crude
    • NGL
  • Environment and regulation
  • Land access and permitting
  • Fiscal terms
    • Drilling
    • Completion
  • Water procurement
  • Technology

Tables and charts

This report includes 10 images and tables including:

  • Eagle Ford subplays
  • Eagle Ford condensate full cycle assumptions
  • Eagle Ford condensate economic metrics
  • Condensate type well annual production
  • Condensate type well cumulative production
  • Condensate type well cashflow
  • Generalized stratigraphy of the South Texas gulf coast
  • Eagle Ford oil resource
  • Eagle Ford condensate resource
  • Eagle Ford gas resource

What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    Data Summary Eagle Ford - Oil.xlsx

    XLSX 137.85 KB

  • Document

    Data Summary Eagle Ford - Condensate.xlsx

    XLSX 137.82 KB

  • Document

    Data Summary Eagle Ford - Gas.xlsx

    XLSX 137.77 KB

  • Document

    Eagle Ford unconventional play

    PDF 1.11 MB