Asset Report

Balgzand-Bacton Pipeline

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The Gasunie operated Balgzand to Bacton pipeline (BBL) was developed to secure an additional source of gas supply for the United Kingdom. It connects Anna Paulowna, in northwest Netherlands, to the Bacton (Shell) terminal in Norfolk. Since 2019, the pipeline can transport gas in either direction. The maximum flow rate from Balgzand to Bacton is 1,640 mmcfd (20.6 million kWh/h), and 560 mmcfd (7 million kWh/h) in the reverse direction.Construction of the receiving terminal at Bacton and the ...

Table of contents

  • Key facts
    • Summary
  • Location maps
  • Participation
  • Development
    • Capital Costs
  • Sales contracts
  • Fiscal and regulatory
  • Economic assumptions

Tables and charts

This report includes 3 images and tables including:

  • Key facts: Table 1
  • Balgzand to Bacton Pipeline Map
  • Participation: Table 1

What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    Balgzand-Bacton Pipeline

    PDF 2.42 MB

  • Document

    Balgzand-Bacton Pipeline

    XLS 110.00 KB