Country Report

Chad upstream summary

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Chad is Sub-Saharan Africa's seventh largest producing country with over 180,000 b/d of oil production. Chad is a landlocked country and there is only one evacuation route to export oil, the Chad Cameroon Pipeline (CCP). The Doba blend crude is transported over 1,000 kilometres to the port of Kribi on the Atlantic coast for export to international markets. Nearly 90% of production is exported via the 250,000 b/d pipeline. A small amount supplies a refinery at Djermaya. There is no ...

Table of contents

  • Executive summary
  • Key facts
  • Location maps
  • Key companies
    • Introduction
    • Central African Rift Basin
      • Source rocks
      • Reservoir rocks
      • Seal and trap
    • Chad basin
      • Source rocks
      • Reservoir rocks
      • Seal and trap
    • Kufra basin
    • Licensing
      • Recent licensing
      • Doba and Chari blocks
      • Block H licence
      • Licensing in other basins
    • Drilling
      • Drilling activity
      • Recent exploration
      • Historical exploration
      • Doba basin exploration
      • Block H exploration
  • Reserves and resources
    • Liquids
    • Introduction
    • Oil infrastructure
      • Chad-Cameroon Pipeline (CCP)
      • Block H pipelines
      • Mangara-Badila pipelines
      • Benoy pipeline
      • Refining
    • Capital costs
      • Capital expenditure by location
    • Operating costs
      • Operating expenditure by location
    • Key legislation
    • Regulatory body
    • State oil company
    • State participation
    • Licensing
    • Duration
    • Relinquishment
    • Overview
      • Upstream
      • Mid/Downstream
    • Current fiscal terms
    • Production Sharing Contracts (PSCs)
      • State equity participation
      • Bonuses, rental and fees
      • Indirect taxes
      • Royalty and other production taxes
      • Domestic market obligation (DMO)
      • Contractor revenue entitlement
      • Product pricing
      • PSC cost recovery
      • PSC profit sharing
      • Corporate (or petroleum) income tax
      • Additional profits taxes
      • Fiscal/contractual ring-fences
      • Dividend withholding tax
      • Other taxes
    • Concessions
      • State equity participation
      • Bonuses, rentals and fees
      • Production bonus
      • Area rentals
      • Training fees
      • Other bonuses and fees
      • Indirect taxes
      • Royalty and other production taxes
      • Corporate (or petroleum) income tax
      • Marginal government take calculation

Tables and charts

This report includes 25 images and tables including:

  • Key facts: Table 1
  • Country map
  • Reserves and contingent resources at 01/01/2024
  • Reserves
  • Contingent resources
  • Map of Chad basins
  • Geology: Image 2
  • Production: Table 1
  • Production: Table 2
  • Liquids production
  • Chad oil infrastructure
  • Current licences in Chad
  • Drilling activity by well type
  • Infrastructure: Table 1
  • Costs: Table 1
  • Costs: Table 2
  • Country capital expenditure (US$ Million)
  • Costs: Table 3
  • Costs: Table 4
  • Operating expenditure (US$ Million)
  • Fiscal terms: Table 1
  • Fiscal terms: Table 2
  • Fiscal terms: Table 3
  • Fiscal terms: Table 4
  • Fiscal terms: Table 5

What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    Country Overview

    PDF 12.97 MB

  • Document

    Country Overview

    XLS 651.00 KB