
Corporate themes: 5 things to look for in 2018

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See what our corporate upstream team thinks about proving value to investors in 2018.

Oil and gas companies enter 2018 in their best shape since oil prices collapsed. We expect the sector to demonstrate it's back in business in 2018, and to try to find a formula that can win over sceptical investors. There will be growing evidence that the sector has moved from survive to thrive. And companies will continue to build for the future, taking advantage of once-in-a-decade opportunities. We assess the 2018 prospects for the Majors, Independents and NOCs, focusing on five themes.

Why buy this report?

After a difficult few years, oil and gas companies have come out stronger. 2018 will be a year of delivery and rebuilding. How will corporate strategy adapt? Rely on our analysts' in-depth knowledge of the sector to help you:
• Identify which players are in the strongest position to take advantage of emerging opportunities
• Understand what investors will be looking for as companies strive to win back market trust
• Anticipate M&A activity

Our report identifies key trends for oil and gas companies for 2018. It includes:

• An assessment of the prospects for majors, independents and NOCs against 5 core themes
• Analysis of key metrics to watch as companies strive to demonstrate value delivery
• A scorecard measuring our success against 2017 predictions