
Corporate themes from the Q2 2015 results

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Rising financial pressures – Q2 earnings were down sharply and gearing rose from 36% to 39% - have contributed to the departure of one leading CEO. Operational results in contrast were strong across the sector with progress on cutting costs yet to hit volumes; production was up 4% year-on-year, and 13 players delivered double digit growth. But life will get tougher still if current low prices persist – just one company is cash flow positive at US$50/bbl Brent in 2016.

Table of contents

  • Corporate themes from the Q2 2015 results

Tables and charts

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What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    Themes from Q2 2015 results.pdf

    PDF 814.98 KB

  • Document

    Q2 2015 Results Summary Data.xls

    XLS 279.50 KB