Country Report

Ghana upstream summary

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Ghana is Sub-Saharan Africa's fifth largest producer. Its hydrocarbon industry only came to the fore in the late 2000s after the discovery of the giant Jubilee oil field. Ghana's modern production base is entirely deepwater and from turbidite fan deposits of Cretaceous age in the west of the country. The majority of production is oil, but associated gas supply has been important in diversifying Ghana's power and industrial sectors. There is also one non-associated gas ...

Table of contents

  • Executive summary
  • Key facts
  • Location maps
  • Key companies
    • Introduction
    • Basins
      • Côte d'Ivoire Basin
      • Saltpond Sub-Basin
      • Keta-Togo-Benin Basin
      • Volta Basin
    • Recent licensing
    • Historical Licensing
    • 1950s - 1990s
    • 2000 - 2010
    • 2010 - 2020
    • 2020 to present
    • Drilling activity
    • Future plans and recent drilling
    • Historical drilling
    • Success rates
  • Reserves and resources
    • Oil
    • Gas
    • Introduction
    • Capital costs
      • Capital expenditure by location
    • Operating costs
      • Operating expenditure by location
    • Key legislation
      • Petroleum (Exploration and Production) Act, 1984
      • Ghana National Petroleum Corporation Act, 1983
      • Petroleum Income Tax Law, 1987
      • Environmental Protection Agency Act, 1994
      • Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations, 1999
      • Petroleum Commission Act, 2011
      • Petroleum (Local Content and Local Participation) Regulations, 2013
      • Income Tax Act, 2015
      • Petroleum Production and Exploration Act, 2016
      • Petroleum (Exploration and Production) (General) Regulations and Model Petroleum Agreement, 2018
    • State oil company
    • State participation
    • Licensing
      • Contract duration
      • Minimum exploration programme
      • Relinquishment
    • Overview
    • Upstream
    • Mid/Downstream
      • Pipelines
      • Gas utilisation
    • Current fiscal terms
      • State equity participation
      • Bonuses, rentals and fees
      • Indirect taxes
      • Royalty and other production taxes
      • Domestic Market Obligation (DMO)
      • Contractor revenue entitlement
      • Product pricing
      • Corporate (or petroleum) income tax
      • Additional profits taxes
      • Fiscal/contractual ring-fences
      • Dividend withholding tax
    • Historical background
      • 1980s
      • 1990s-2000s

Tables and charts

This report includes 23 images and tables including:

  • Key facts: Table 1
  • Country Map
  • Reserves and contingent resources at 01/01/2024
  • Licensing
  • Reserves and resources: Table 1
  • Reserves and resources: Table 2
  • Map of Ghana Basins
  • Licence Map
  • Exploration drilling and commercial success rates
  • Technical and Commercial Success Rates
  • Production: Table 1
  • Production: Table 2
  • Liquid production
  • Production: Table 3
  • Production: Table 4
  • Sales gas production
  • Costs: Table 1
  • Costs: Table 2
  • Costs: Table 3
  • Costs: Table 4
  • Fiscal terms: Table 1
  • Fiscal terms: Table 2
  • Fiscal terms: Table 3

What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    Country Overview

    PDF 15.40 MB

  • Document

    Country Overview

    XLS 605.00 KB