Country Report

Gulf Coast region overview

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The Gulf Coast region includes the prolific Eagle Ford and Haynesville shales. The Austin Chalk and Cotton Valley reservoirs provide upside to these two plays respectively. The region is also home to the Barnett, where unconventional development began in the early 2000s. Gulf Coast developments benefit from proximity to export markets on the Gulf of Mexico. We use our Lens dataset to outline key trends based on well level analysis and upstream asset valuations, including productivity, investment, value, geology, and activity.

Table of contents

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Tables and charts

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What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    Gulf Coast Region Overview Data.xlsx

    XLSX 170.52 KB

  • Document

    Gulf Coast Region Overview.pdf

    PDF 678.26 KB

  • Document

    Gulf Coast geology.pdf

    PDF 1.06 MB