
Is upstream oil & gas delivering on decarbonisation?

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*Please note that this report only includes an Excel data file if this is indicated in "What's included" below

Upstream scope 1 & 2 emissions intensity has been cut by 12% since 2017. But despite the progress on flaring and methane, absolute emissions are flatlining and net-zero is a distant prospect. This report leverages Wood Mackenzie’s unique granular asset-level emissions dataset to track decarbonisation progress to date and highlight the regions and companies that are outperforming.

Table of contents

  • Executive summary
  • Decarbonisation progress
  • Which regions are outperforming?
  • Is there enough regulatory support?
  • Where are we in 2024?
  • The biggest sources of emissions
  • Global flaring emissions
  • Investing to improve?
  • Low emissions, high value?

Tables and charts

This report includes 10 images and tables including:

  • Scope 1 & 2 emissions and intensity over time
  • Absolute emissions by category 2017-2030

What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    Is Upstream Oil And Gas Delivering.pdf

    PDF 1.12 MB