Country Report

Netherlands upstream summary

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A mature hydrocarbon producer - The Netherlands is the fifth largest gas producer in Europe, behind Norway, the UK, and now Ukraine and Romania. Gas production entered terminal decline in 2014 when the government imposed production caps at Groningen, but a new government in the Hague could have a renewed focus on improving domestic energy security, providing a boost to the declining upstream sector. Production in the Netherlands began onshore in the 1950s and offshore in the 1970s. Gas ...

Table of contents

  • Executive summary
  • Key facts
  • Location maps
    • State-backed companies
      • Energie Beheer Nederland B.V (EBN)
    • Majors
      • Nederlandse Aardolie Maatschappij (NAM)
      • Eni
      • TotalEnergies
    • Other key IOCs
    • Other key companies
      • GasTerra
      • Gasunie
    • Introduction
    • Netherlands - hydrocarbon plays
    • Rotliegendes play
    • Bunter play
    • Zechstein play
    • Carboniferous play
    • Jurassic play
    • Licensing
      • Overview
    • Drilling
      • Drilling activity
    • Offshore - key recent and future conventional E&A activity
    • Onshore - key recent and future conventional E&A activity
    • Historical conventional E&A activity
      • Offshore
      • Onshore
    • Unconventional E&A activity
      • Success rates
    • Overview
    • Reserves
    • Oil and condensate
    • Gas
    • Groningen closure
      • Historical production caps at Groningen
    • Introduction
    • Oil infrastructure
      • Onshore oil pipelines
    • Refineries
    • Gas infrastructure
      • Noordgastransport (NGT) system
      • Westgastransport (WGT) system
      • Noordelijke Offshore Gastransportleiding (NOGAT) system
      • Other offshore gas pipelines
    • Gas transmission pipelines
      • Balgzand to Bacton Line (BBL)
    • Underground gas storage
      • Norg
      • Grijpskerk
      • Alkmaar
      • Bergermeer
      • Zuidwending
    • LNG import terminals
      • GATE
      • EemsEnergyTerminal
    • Introduction
    • Capital costs
      • Capital expenditure by location
    • Operating costs
      • Operating expenditure by location
    • Key legislation
      • 2021 Mining Law amendments
      • 2003 Mining Law
    • Regulatory body
    • State participation
    • Government depletion policy
      • Historical development
      • Gasunie split - GasTerra
      • Small fields policy
      • Offtake terms for small fields
      • Historical offtake terms for small fields
    • Licensing
    • Offshore licensing
      • Offshore exploration licences
      • Offshore production licences
    • Onshore licensing
    • Fallow Covenant
    • Overview
    • Upstream
      • Windfall tax measures (2022-24)
    • Current fiscal terms
      • Basis
      • Government equity participation
      • Ring fencing
      • Royalty
      • Corporate income tax (CIT)
      • State profit share
      • Interaction between state profit share and corporate income tax
      • EU temporary solidarity contribution (2022)
      • Fiscal treatment of decommissioning
      • Product pricing
    • Sample cash flow
    • Historical background
      • Pre-Groningen tax terms
      • Special Groningen tax terms
      • 1967 and 1976 Royal Decrees
      • Historical royalty rates
      • Corporate income tax (historical rules)
      • State profit share (historical rules)

Tables and charts

This report includes 53 images and tables including:

  • Netherlands - liquids production by sector
  • Netherlands - gas production by sector
  • Key facts: Table 1
  • Country map
  • Netherlands - sedimentary basins
  • Netherlands - E&A drilling activity
  • Netherlands - liquids and gas reserves
  • Netherlands - commercial gas reserves
  • Netherlands - commercial liquid reserves
  • Reserves and resources: Table 1
  • Reserves and resources: Table 2
  • Contingent resources
  • Netherlands - liquids production by sector
  • Production: Table 1
  • Production: Table 2
  • Netherlands - liquids production by development status
  • Production: Table 3
  • Production: Table 4
  • Oil infrastructure map
  • Licensing rounds
  • Policy and regulation: Table 2
  • Concessions
  • Fiscal terms: Table 10
  • Reserves and contingent resources at 01/01/2024
  • Net Acreage 2024
  • Liquids and Gas Production 2024
  • Capital Expenditure 2024
  • Netherlands - licensing activity
  • Netherlands - drilling success rates
  • Netherlands - gas production by sector
  • Production: Table 5
  • Production: Table 6
  • Netherlands - gas production by development status
  • Production: Table 7
  • Production: Table 8
  • Infrastructure: Table 1
  • Infrastructure: Table 2
  • Netherlands - offshore gas infrastructure
  • Netherlands - onshore gas infrastructure
  • Costs: Table 1
  • Costs: Table 2
  • Costs: Table 3
  • Costs: Table 4
  • Fiscal terms: Table 2
  • Fiscal terms: Table 3
  • Fiscal terms: Table 4
  • Fiscal terms: Table 5
  • Fiscal terms: Table 6
  • Fiscal terms: Table 7
  • Fiscal terms: Table 8
  • Fiscal terms: Table 9
  • Fiscal terms: Table 11
  • Fiscal terms: Table 12

What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    Country Overview

    PDF 19.76 MB

  • Document

    Country Overview

    XLS 1.39 MB