
Russian Federation upstream: 2019 in review

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Russia ended the decade with a bumper set of announcements. From one of the world’s largest field discoveries through to the completion of one of the world’s longest oil pipelines, Russia did not disappoint. Powered by our Lens platform, we evaluate five key themes that shaped 2019 in the region: • What was the biggest discovery of the year? • Which deals were struck and where? • How much progress was made in enhancing gas export options? • What were the main developments in the oil sector? • Which LNG projects advanced?

Table of contents

    • 1. Exploring opportunities and appraising discoveries
    • 2. Producing gas and getting it to market through export routes new and old
    • 3. Liquefying Russia’s abundant gas resources
    • 4. Merging capability and acquiring skills
    • 5. Liquids launch and liquids management
    • Our key insights of 2019:

Tables and charts

This report includes 6 images and tables including:

  • Russian upstream in 2019 – key figures
  • Licence awards on the Taimyr and Gydan Peninsula
  • Nord Stream 2
  • Russian LNG capacity
  • Arctic LNG-2
  • Russia liquids and gas production

What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    Russian Federation upstream: 2019 in review

    PDF 2.88 MB