Country Report

Russian Federation upstream summary

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Russia is one of the top oil producers in the world, alongside Saudi Arabia and the US. It has the world's largest volume of gas reserves and is the second largest gas producer globally, behind the US. Domestic players, in particular state-owned Rosneft and Gazprom, dominate the Russian oil and gas industry. International investors are present in only a handful of projects - typically those which are high-cost and technically challenging, such as Yamal LNG and the Sakhalin PSC ...

Table of contents

  • Executive summary
  • Key facts
  • Location maps
    • State-owned companies
    • Mid-tier companies
    • International investors
    • Reserves and production
    • Acreage
    • Summary
    • West Siberia
      • Overview
      • Central
      • South Kara/Yamal Northern region
      • Omsk/Nyurolka
      • Yenisei/Bor
      • Yenisei-Khatanga
      • Reservoirs
    • Timan-Pechora
      • Overview
      • Reservoirs
    • Volga-Urals
      • Overview
      • Structure
      • Reservoirs
    • East Siberia
      • Central area
      • Reservoirs
      • Vilyui basin
      • Northern area
      • Source rocks
    • Far East
      • East Sakhalin basin
      • West Kamchatka basin
    • Baltic
    • North Caucasus
      • Structure
      • Reservoirs
    • Precaspian
      • Reservoirs
    • Barents
      • Reservoirs
    • Licensing
      • Summary
      • Early days
      • Award of licences
      • Strategic fields
      • Recent developments
    • Drilling
      • Summary
    • Onshore exploration
    • Historical activity
    • Recent activity
      • West Siberia
      • Volga-Urals
      • East Siberia
    • Offshore exploration
      • Activity summary
      • Barents Sea
      • Pechora Sea
      • Kara Sea
      • Laptev Sea
      • Chukchi Sea
      • Black sea
      • Sea of Okhotsk
    • Summary
    • Oil reserves estimate
    • Gas reserves estimate
    • Oil and condensate
      • Summary
      • Historical production
      • North Caucasus
      • Volga-Urals
      • West Siberia
      • Timan-Pechora and Barents
      • East Siberia
      • Far East
      • Precaspian
      • Baltic
      • Key Assets
    • Natural gas liquids (NGLs)
    • Gas
      • Summary
      • Historical production
      • North Caucasus
      • Volga-Urals
      • West Siberia
      • Timan-Pechora and Barents
      • East Siberia and Far East
      • Precaspian
      • Key assets
    • Oil infrastructure
    • Transneft
      • Transneft-Ural
      • Transneft-Prikamye
      • Transneft-Verkhnyaya Volga
      • Severniye Magistralniye Nefteprovody (SMN)
      • Transneft-Druzhba
      • Transneft-Privolga
      • Chernomortransneft (Black Sea, Precaspian & Caucasus)
      • Transneft-Baltika
      • Transneft-Yugra
      • Transneft-Tsentralnaya Sibir
      • Transneft-Zapadnaya Sibir
      • Transneft-Vostok
      • Transneft-Dalni Vostok
      • Novorossiysk (Black Sea)
      • Primorsk (Baltic Sea)
      • Kozmino Bay (Far East)
      • Ust-Luga (Baltic Sea)
      • South Ozereyevka (Black Sea)
      • De Kastri (Far East)
      • Prigorodnoye (Far East)
      • Varandei (Timan-Pechora)
      • Svetliy (Kaliningrad)
    • Rail transport
    • Road transport
    • Oil refineries
    • Gas infrastructure
      • Existing pipelines
      • Brotherhood system
      • Northern Lights system
      • Yamal-Europe pipeline
      • Bovanenkovo system
      • Nord Stream
      • The Central Asia Centre (CAC) pipeline system
      • Soyuz system
      • Blue Stream
      • TurkStream
      • Power of Siberia
      • Sakhalin-Khabarovsk-Vladivostok (SKV)
      • Other pipelines
    • Gas processing and condensate stabilisation plants
      • Gazprom
      • SIBUR
      • LUKOIL
      • NOVATEK
      • Surgutneftegas
      • Other GPPs
    • Underground gas storage
    • Introduction
    • Capital costs
      • Capital expenditure by location
    • Operating costs
      • Operating expenditure by location
    • Key legislation
    • Summary
    • Key facts
    • Key legislation and regulatory bodies
      • Law on the Subsoil
      • Law on the Continental Shelf
      • Law on Gas Supply
      • Law on Gas Exports
      • Law on Natural Monopolies
      • Foreign Strategic Investments Law
      • Law on flaring
      • Tax Code
      • Customs Code
    • Other legislation
      • International treaties
      • Paris climate agreement (2015)
      • COP26 in Glasgow (2021)
    • Regulatory body
      • Ministry of Energy
      • Ministry of Natural Resources
      • The State Duma and the Federation Council
      • Ministry of Economic Development
      • Federal Antimonopoly Service
    • State participation
      • National Oil Company
      • Oil Transportation Companies
      • National Gas Company (Gazprom)
    • International boundaries
    • Licensing
      • Licence types
    • Overview
      • Upstream
      • Mid/Downstream
    • Current fiscal terms
      • Basis
      • Government equity participation
    • Royalty (Mineral Extraction Tax (MET)
      • Ring fencing
      • Base
      • Onshore oil MET rate
      • Onshore gas and condensate MET rate
      • Offshore MET rate
      • MET tax credits
      • Payment schedule
    • Export Duty
      • Ring fencing
      • Base
      • Onshore oil and condensate ED rate
      • Onshore gas ED rate
      • Offshore ED rate
      • Payment schedule
    • Corporate income tax
      • Ring fencing
      • Base
      • Rate
      • Payment schedule
    • Other taxes
      • Property tax
    • Fiscal treatment of decommissioning
    • Product pricing
      • Liquids pricing
      • Natural gas pricing
    • Additional profit tax (APT) concession regime
      • Bonuses, rentals and fees
      • Indirect taxes
      • Oil mineral extraction tax (royalty)
      • Oil export duty
      • Corporate income tax
      • Additional profit tax (APT)
      • Summary of modelled terms
    • Active legacy terms
      • Standard PSC regime
      • Government equity participation
      • Bonuses, rentals and fees
      • Indirect taxes
      • Royalty (Mineral Extraction Tax (MET)
      • Export duty
      • Domestic market obligation (DMO)
      • PSC production sharing
      • PSC cost recovery
      • PSC profit sharing
      • Corporate income tax
      • Property tax
      • Product pricing
    • Historical background
      • Standard concession regime
      • Production Sharing Regime (Direct-Sharing Mechanism)
      • Production Sharing Regime for small fields

Tables and charts

This report includes 92 images and tables including:

  • Oil and condensate production by region
  • Gas production by region
  • Key facts: Table 1
  • Country map
  • Reserves and contingent resources at 01/01/2024
  • Net Acreage 2024
  • Map of oil & gas provinces (west)
  • Map of oil & gas provinces (central)
  • Map of oil & gas provinces (east)
  • Russian Arctic offshore blocks map (2013/14)
  • Reserves and resources: Table 1
  • Liquids and Gas Production and Reserves
  • Reserves and resources: Table 2
  • Reserves and resources: Table 3
  • Reserves and resources: Table 4
  • Key oil pipelines
  • Infrastructure: Table 1
  • Transneft operating divisions (West)
  • Infrastructure: Table 2
  • Infrastructure: Table 3
  • Gas infrastructure map
  • Underground gas storage (UGS)
  • International boundaries - Caspian Sea (Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan)
  • Fiscal terms: Table 32
  • Fiscal terms: Table 33
  • Timan-Pechora stratigraphic chart
  • Volga-Urals stratigraphic chart
  • Oil and condensate production by region
  • Production: Table 1
  • Production: Table 2
  • Liquid production by key assets
  • Production: Table 3
  • Production: Table 4
  • Gas production by region
  • Production: Table 5
  • Production: Table 6
  • Gas production
  • Production: Table 7
  • Production: Table 8
  • Transneft operating divisions (Central)
  • Trans-Siberia operating divisions (East)
  • Key sea export terminals
  • Costs: Table 1
  • Costs: Table 2
  • Costs: Table 3
  • Costs: Table 4
  • Policy and regulation: Table 1
  • Standard concession regime
  • Fiscal terms: Table 2
  • Fiscal terms: Table 3
  • Fiscal terms: Table 4
  • Fiscal terms: Table 5
  • Fiscal terms: Table 6
  • Fiscal terms: Table 7
  • Fiscal terms: Table 8
  • Fiscal terms: Table 9
  • Fiscal terms: Table 10
  • Fiscal terms: Table 11
  • Fiscal terms: Table 12
  • Fiscal terms: Table 13
  • Fiscal terms: Table 14
  • Fiscal terms: Table 15
  • Fiscal terms: Table 16
  • Fiscal terms: Table 17
  • Fiscal terms: Table 18
  • Fiscal terms: Table 19
  • Fiscal terms: Table 20
  • Fiscal terms: Table 21
  • Fiscal terms: Table 22
  • Fiscal terms: Table 23
  • Fiscal terms: Table 24
  • Fiscal terms: Table 25
  • Fiscal terms: Table 26
  • Fiscal terms: Table 27
  • Summary of modelled terms
  • Fiscal terms: Table 29
  • Sample standard concession cash flow
  • Fiscal terms: Table 31
  • Fiscal terms: Table 34
  • Fiscal terms: Table 35
  • Fiscal terms: Table 36
  • Fiscal terms: Table 37
  • Fiscal terms: Table 38
  • Fiscal terms: Table 39
  • Fiscal terms: Table 40
  • Fiscal terms: Table 41
  • Fiscal terms: Table 42
  • Fiscal terms: Table 43
  • Fiscal terms: Table 44
  • Fiscal terms: Table 45
  • GEM models
  • Fiscal terms: Table 47

What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    Country Overview

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  • Document

    Country Overview

    XLS 3.35 MB