Asset Report

Saudi Arabia Onshore Partitioned Zone

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*Please note that this report only includes an Excel data file if this is indicated in "What's included" below

The Partitioned Zone (PZ) is the region between Kuwait and Saudi Arabia that was created as an area of neutral sovereignty in 1922. Following the discovery of oil at Wafra in the 1950s, the two states agreed to the common ownership of the zone's natural resources. This resource-sharing principle has remained the basis of all petroleum development since the discovery of oil at Wafra, despite the settlement of an international boundary in 1969.

Table of contents

  • Key facts
    • Summary
    • Key issues
  • Location maps
    • Zone history
    • Foreign participation
    • State participation
    • South Fuwaris
    • South Umm Gudair
    • Wafra
  • Well data
    • Gas exploration
  • Reserves and resources
    • Oil
      • Wafra
      • South Umm Gudair
      • South Fuwaris
      • Post-1991 production
      • EOR project
      • Gas
    • Early development
      • Wells
      • Facilities
    • South Umm Gudair
      • Wells
      • Facilities
    • South Fuwaris
      • Wells
      • Facilities
    • EOR
    • Wafra small-scale steamflood test (SST)
      • Wells
      • Facilities
    • Wafra large-scale steamflood pilot project (LSP)
      • Wells
      • Facilities
      • Supplier information
    • Wafra steamflood stage 1 project
      • Gas
      • Facilities
    • Central Gas Utilization Project
  • Infrastructure
    • Capital costs
    • Operating costs
    • Royalty
    • Income tax
    • Cash flow
    • Discount rate and date
    • Inflation rate
    • Oil price
    • Gas price
    • Global Economic Model (GEM) File
  • Economic analysis

Tables and charts

This report includes 24 images and tables including:

  • Key facts: Table 1
  • Onshore Partitioned Zone index map
  • Onshore Partitioned Zone map
  • Well data: Table 1
  • Reserves and resources: Table 1
  • Reserves and resources: Table 2
  • Infrastructure: Table 1
  • Cash Flow
  • Economic analysis: Table 2
  • Economic analysis: Table 3
  • Split of Revenues
  • Cumulative Net Cash Flow - Undiscounted
  • Cumulative Net Cash Flow - Discounted at 10% from 01/01/2024
  • Remaining Revenue Distribution (Discounted at 10% from 01/01/2024)
  • Remaining Present Value Price Sensitivities
  • Participation: Table 1
  • Geology: Table 1
  • Costs: Table 1
  • Costs: Table 2
  • Costs: Table 3
  • Fiscal and regulatory: Table 1
  • Production: Table 1
  • Production: Table 2
  • Onshore Partitioned Zone (Saudi) production profile

What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    Saudi Arabia Onshore Partitioned Zone

    PDF 6.18 MB

  • Document

    Saudi Arabia Onshore Partitioned Zone

    XLS 783.00 KB