
Strengthening shale portfolios: intrepid new play entry in the Americas

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A lack of cash flow diversification and uncertainty around capital efficiency in the 2030s are increasing investors’ risk perception of some US E&Ps. Will some shale pure plays still be focused on the Permian in a decade but wholly concentrated on Tier 3 acreage? Capturing fresh resource isn’t presented as the most critical issue for tight oil today – sustaining shareholder distribution is – but operators with long-term strategies should consider planning for diminishing inventory much sooner. For US shale, that’s challenging. The lack of exploration, inventory downgrades, and risk of thesis drift by considering moves to new resource themes like non-op deepwater point to new play entry as a logical consideration. We outline five comparisons and considerations for stakeholders looking at creative shale portfolio opportunities in Canada and Argentina, which both hold established unconventional projects.

Table of contents

  • Executive summary

Tables and charts

This report includes 10 images and tables including:

  • Tight oil ‘exploration’ activity fading
  • Comparative geographic extent of secondary Permian zones
  • Evolution of post-tax half-cycle returns versus production
  • Indexed unconventional project growth rates
  • Well inventory and value curves
  • Impact of Neuquén Basin gas egress expansion (Pre and post-Kirchner pipeline announcement)
  • Operational performance comparison
  • Average valuation multiple by peer group and geography
  • US Independents Pan American shale opportunity matrix

What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    Strengthening shale portfolios: intrepid new play entry in the Americas

    PDF 1.74 MB