
Sub Saharan Africa upstream: 5 things to look for in 2024

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Sub Saharan Africa's upstream sector is firing on all cylinders. We look ahead to the key themes to watch in 2024. Namibia's Orange basin will again take the exploration centre stage with several big wells, but where else will key wells be drilled? Where is upstream investment going? Can Nigeria and Angola maintain oil production? What big new gas projects will be approved for development? Where are the M&A hotspots and what type of assets will hit the market?

Table of contents

    • 1. Deepwater exploration: the Orange basin bonanza and more
    • 2. We expect upstream capex to reach US$20 billion in 2024
    • 3. Liquids production will remain flat despite pockets of new development
    • 4. Gas and FLNG key projects to deliver growth
    • 5. Portfolio rebalancing to drive M&A
    • What to look for in 2024 – a regional upstream series

Tables and charts

This report includes 3 images and tables including:

  • Wells to watch
  • Liquids production year-on-year change in 2024
  • Gas production year-on-year change in 2024

What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    Sub Saharan Africa upstream: 5 things to look for in 2024

    PDF 5.35 MB