Asset Report

Uzen-Atyrau-Samara Oil Pipeline

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The Uzen-Atyrau-Samara (UAS) pipeline was Kazakhstan's first major oil export route and remains an important outlet for producers in west Kazakhstan. It is operated by KazTransOil (KTO, an NC KazMunaiGas subsidiary) in Kazakhstan and Transneft in Russia.The pipeline was commissioned as part of the Uzen field development in the 1970s. It consists of two sections:Uzen-Atyrau - this starts at the Uzen field in southwest Kazakhstan and runs 700 kilometres north to Atyrau. At Atyrau, ...

Table of contents

  • Key facts
    • Summary
    • Key issues
  • Location maps
  • Participation
    • Overview
    • Route
      • Uzen-Atyrau
      • Atyrau-Samara
    • Capacity
      • Uzen-Atyrau
      • Atyrau-Samara
    • Key feed pipelines
      • Buzachi Peninsula-Uzen
      • Karachaganak-Bolshoi Chagan
    • Crude quality
      • Overview
      • Outlook
    • Overview
    • Uzen-Atyrau
    • Atyrau-Samara
      • Recent reported data
    • Tariffs
      • Overview
      • Current tariffs
    • Oil price

Tables and charts

This report includes 6 images and tables including:

  • Key facts: Table 1
  • UAS oil pipeline map
  • Development: Table 1
  • Uzen-Atyrau pipeline
  • Atyrau-Samara pipeline
  • Atyrau-Samara throughput profile

What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    Uzen-Atyrau-Samara Oil Pipeline

    PDF 2.42 MB

  • Document

    Uzen-Atyrau-Samara Oil Pipeline

    XLS 234.00 KB