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Fiord (Colville River Unit)
Fiord was discovered in 1992 and has been developed as a satellite of the Alpine field. Another Alpine satellite, Nanuq, has been developed in tand...
Nanuq (Colville River Unit)
The Nanuq accumulation was discovered in 2000, sanctioned in late 2004 and developed as a satellite of the Alpine field. Fiord, another Alpine sate...
Qannik (Colville River Unit)
The Qannik field is located in the Colville River Unit, located approximately 55 kilometres (34 miles) to the west of the Kuparuk River Unit. Qanni...
Alpine (Colville River Unit)
The Alpine field is located in the Colville River Unit, approximately 55 kilometres (34 miles) to the west of the Kuparuk River Unit. The field was...
The Lakach field is a non-associated, deepwater, wet gas field owned by the national oil company (NOC) of Mexico, Pemex. The development of the fie...
Quiriquire Gas
Quiriquire contains two fields that are predominantly gas rich, namely San Luis and Quiriquire Deep. Exploitation of the San Luis or Quiriquire Dee...
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