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Onsan copper refinery
The refinery is located at Onsan City, near Ulsan on the south-east coast of Korea, and has good road, rail and sea links. The refinery and associa...
Pori copper refinery
The refinery is located at Pori, 30km from the Harjavalta smelter that supplies the anodes for refining. The plant has good road and rail links. Th...
Hitachi copper refinery
The refinery is located at Hitachi, Ibaraki prefecture and has good road and sea links. Smelting operations commenced at Hitachi in 1908 to treat m...
Pasar copper smelter
The smelter was commissioned in 1983 as part of the Pasar project, which also involved a refinery and a precious metals plant producing doré metal....
Horne copper smelter
The smelter was commissioned in 1927 with two coal fired, calcine charged reverberatory furnaces. In 1957 a wet charged, coal fired reverberatory f...
Onahama copper refinery
The refinery is located adjacent to Onahama Port, some 200km north of Tokyo, and has excellent road, rail and sea links. The refinery together with...
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