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Prominent Hill gold mine
Prominent Hill is an iron-oxide copper gold mining operation in South Australia, approximately 650 kilometres northwest of Adelaide. The operation ...
KGHM Polish Gold operations
The accompanying analysis considers the combined production of four underground mines, Lubin, Polkowice-Sieroszwice, Rudna and Deep Glogow, and the...
Guelb Moghrein gold mine
Guelb Moghrein is an open pit copper-gold mine which produces copper-gold concentrate. The deposit was previously mined from 1967 to 1978 and then ...
Myra Falls gold mine
Myra Falls is an underground mining and mill operation, producing separate copper, zinc and lead concentrates which contain saleable gold and silve...
Ridder (Leninogorsk) gold mine
All mines and tailings retreatment supply the centralised Ridder concentrator producing separate copper, lead and zinc concentrates and a gravity p...
Olimpiada gold mine
Olimpiada is the largest gold mine in Russia and one of the top ten producers in the world. Olimpiada is the highest individual contributor to Poly...
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