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Coronavirus impact briefing: week ending 8 May
Welcome to week five of our coronavirus impact briefing. In this regular report, we combine the expertise of our sister company AIR in global pande...
Ethylene Oxide and Glycol Monthly Report
Asian spot ethylene prices firmed in August due to turnarounds, good demand and higher feed costs. US spot ethylene rose due to unplanned outages. ...
Chemical recycling assets analysis
This Insight includes detailed analysis of installed and upcoming Chemical Recycling Assets. It focuses on a number of plants/projects which were s...
Chemical solutions: can polymer value chains decarbonise?
As the world gears up for COP 26 in Glasgow in November, countries around the world are announcing ever more stringent decarbonisation goals. While...
G20 and the impact on China’s polyester chain
Hangzhou sits in one of the most industrialised provinces of China, Zhejiang. The explosive growth in the economy over the past twenty years has re...
China’s five-year plan shapes the development of global downstream industry
China’s regulation is like an invisible hand directing the development of China’s refining and petrochemical industry. The five-year plan is an imp...
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