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How can Indonesia capitalise on its growth potential in chemicals?
Chemical demand growth outpaces oil demand growth into traditional sectors, eventually driving future oil demand growth. How does this impact Indon...
How less competitive polyethylene assets will manage the demand shock
We previously examined how the pandemic response across end-use sectors has affected demand for different polymers. In this insight, we will furthe...
EPL June 2018: 5 Key Aromatics Discussion Points
PCI Wood Mackenzie was delighted to participate in the June EPL (European Petrochemical Luncheon) earlier this month, held in Bratislava, Solvakia ...
EPL June 2018: 5 key olefins market discussion points
PCI Wood Mackenzie was delighted to participate in the June EPL (European Petrochemical Luncheon) held in Bratislava on the 14th and 15th June 2018...
BOPA Film Global Supply Demand Study to 2022
This latest report on the global market for Bi-Oriented Polyamide (BOPA) films will help you gain insight into the key growth drivers in this 286,0...
BOPET Film Global Supply Demand Report 2019
An essential dataset for anyone wanting a detailed understanding of the world BOPET film market, and is seeking to minimise risks in their planning...
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