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Webinar: Africa Upstream Outlook 2025
We hosted a webinar discussing the outlook for Africa upstream in 2025. During the webinar, our senior experts discussed the following: • Licensing...
Shenandoah (WR 52)
Shenandoah (WR 52) is a large Lower Tertiary discovery in the remote northwestern portion of the Walker Ridge protraction area. The field was disco...
Global upstream M&A in brief
Welcome to the Global upstream M&A in brief, where we bring you opinion and analysis on M&A-related news. The report provides rolling coverage of n...
Kuwait unlocked: upstream investment opportunities
Kuwait, a global oil powerhouse, stands as one of the few countries without direct foreign involvement in its upstream sector. However, this could ...
K2 is a large subsalt oil field located in southeastern Green Canyon. The K2 structure extends across several blocks, which were not fully unitised...
United Kingdom upstream summary slides
This slide-pack provides a quick summary of the key issues and themes for the United Kingdom. It complements our more detailed upstream summary. Th...
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