Mexico outlook reports

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Mexico outlook reports


Mexico’s Capacity Market settlement 2022: A fragile equilibrium

Mexico’s generation matrix continues to grow its reliance on gas-based generation. Throughout 2022, 65% of the energy generation matrix used natura...


Mexico gas, power and renewable service: 2022 year-in-review

Gas price volatility marked 2022, becoming a common theme as the Russian invasion of Ukraine shocked markets. Henry Hub and major US price indexes ...


Latin America upstream: 2023 in review

In this review, we highlight the significant upstream events and trends of 2023 across Latin America. Production continues to grow, but this is con...

Commodity Market Report

Constitutional Reform sensitivity case developed from the Mexico gas, power and renewables 2021 outlook to 2050

Following the Constitutional reform initiative sent to the House of Congress on 1 October by Mexico’s President, this sensitivity scenario from our...

Commodity Market Report

NYMEX sensitivity case developed from the Mexico gas, power, and renewables base case

This “NYMEX” case represents the use of the New York Mercantile Exchange futures gas prices and the impact on Mexico’s power sector long-term outlo...


Mexico gas, power and renewable service: What to watch in 2023

Gas price volatility shocked the energy markets in 2022. As the world is diversifying its supply sources and Mexico focuses on increasing its LNG e...

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