Butadiene outlook reports
Shape your petrochemicals strategy with trusted insight into the butadiene market. Browse short-term and long-term forecasts to empower your decisions and mitigate risk. Understand the butadiene outlook with industry-leading data from our experts at Wood Mackenzie.
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Butadiene outlook reports
Coronavirus and collapse in polyester – will PX and PTA markets recover?
The fibre and textile industries – by far the largest consuming segments for polyester – have continued to be battered by the impact of the coronav...
Coronavirus and petrochemicals – global propylene markets
Wood Mackenzie examined the changes in demand due to the pandemic response for different polymer types. This insight assesses the impact of the pol...
2021 Southeast Asia Energy Forum – Virtual Edition
On 4 August 2021, Wood Mackenzie hosted the annual Southeast Asia Energy Forum. This year's event focused on the topic Southeast Asia in the Age of...
Innova places bet on styrenics chain in Brazil
The announcement of a styrene capacity expansion by Innova was the first in quite a while in the Western Hemisphere, and has caught the attention o...
MEG - Making sense of the US winter storm aftermath
Disruption in the MEG supply has happened before, with the most recent being Hurricane Laura and Delta in the US last year. However, this time it p...
The coming golden age for the polyester chain
After a tumultuous 2020, the polyester chain has embarked upon a path of strong recovery, led by a robust rebound in the key Chinese market. Whethe...
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