Wind power outlook reports

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Wind power outlook reports


China's state-owned enterprises reform: consolidate or divest?

Aluminum Corporation of China (Chalco) suspended trading in China-listed A-shares on 12 September pending a major announcement that may constitute ...


Insight from Vietnam Solar Expo 2019: Curtailment will remain a critical issue, but growth opportunities remain significant

The latest draft Feed-In-Tariff sets the FIT levels for the ground mount solar at 70.6 USD/MWh. This is a 24% decline from the last FIT, but we est...

Commodity Market Report

Great Britain power market long-term outlook to 2040: Q4 2019

This report presents our long-term outlook for Great Britain to 2040, outlining current market trends and providing our view of capacity, supply an...


Coronavirus and global recession: impacts on European power & renewables

COVID-19 and the emerging global recession are impacting European power and renewables markets. In this presentation, delivered by our analysts dur...


Coronavirus crisis update: 2020 global wind market outlook downgraded by 6.5%

This insight is an addendum to our Q1 2020 Global wind power market outlook update, explaining changes due to COVID-19. Wood Mackenzie's Q1 2020 Gl...


Coronavirus impact to the wind energy supply chain

With the arrival of Q2 2020, we remain in the grip of the coronavirus pandemic. The fog of war has descended upon the wind sector, with business un...

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