
Riding the rollercoaster: Australia's oil & gas outlook

Join us at our webinar ahead of the Australian Energy Producers Conference (formerly APPEA) to discuss priority issues for Australia's oil & gas outlook

Join Wood Mackenzie for an exclusive webinar ahead of the Australian Energy Producers Conference (formerly APPEA) where our experts delve into the latest trends and forecasts shaping Australia's oil and gas sector.

Throughout the webinar, the team will present the crucial insights and strategic foresight to guide your business decisions over the next 12 months - the perfect opportunity to get prepared ahead of the conference later in May.




Australia's oil & gas landscape has experienced a turbulent 12 months - seeing the most unstable legal and fiscal environment for over a decade. But how will the country 'ride the rollercoaster' and remain committed to its net-zero target for the years to come?

Throughout the webinar, the team will explore pivotal questions, such as:

  • Australia’s oil & gas project funnel – how full, or empty is it
  • What’s the next fiscal or regulatory intervention (or change) to expect?
  • Australia as a CCUS investment destination - what are the implications?
  • Assessing the Australian Energy corporate landscape - where do the opportunities lie?

Register today to secure your spot at this informative webinar, and submit your questions to our research team in advance of the session.


Our speakers

Stephanie Chiang

Senior Research Analyst, CCUS

Stephanie provides insight and analysis on CCUS to project developers, technology providers, investors and governments.

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