
Upstream & Crude Markets Briefing

With the impending launch of TMX in May, our key experts analyse the potential impact; from crude flows to heavy oil and condensate producers.

Join Mark Oberstoetter, Director, Head of Canada Upstream Research, Dylan White, Principal Analyst, North American Crude Markets, Amanda Wu, Plays Analyst and Tyson Gervais, Canada Analyst who will present our views on the key upstream perspectives.

A variety of topics will be covered including:

  • TMX outlook: How will TMX in-service shift crude trade flows, both for WCSB egress and various downstream markets. What does our real-time monioring tell us about TMX start-up activity?
  • Oil growth tracks on: Who is advancing heavy oil growth and how big could the Clearwater get? How fast will TMX capacity be filled?
  • Is play productivity stagnating? Which sub-plays are outperforming and how are sub-play economics evolving? We’ll focus on Montney but also highlight recent updates to Duvernay.
  • Corporate dynamics are ever changing. Will corporate consolidation continue or look like US Lower 48? Which operators are positioning for additional LNG potential?

Interested in learning more about our speakers?

Mark Oberstoetter

Head of Americas (non-L48) Upstream Research

Mark has extensively covered the North Slope, deepwater, oil sands and unconventional sectors.

Latest articles by Mark

View Mark Oberstoetter 's full profile

Amanda Wu

Research Analyst, Lower 48

Amanda is responsible for the research and publications of play reports across the North America region.

View Amanda Wu's full profile

Tyson Gervais

Research Analyst, Canada Upstream

Tyson's primary focus is on gas production in the western Canadian provinces of Alberta and British Columbia.

View Tyson Gervais's full profile