Wind farm floating clouds

Short-term power solutions for Traders

Get the forward-looking, trustworthy, real-time data you need to stay ahead of the curve – all in one place.

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Helping you understand day-to-day changes in market fundamentals

Our future-focused products provide real-time visibility of supply generation and transmission flows to better understand price changes, allowing for up to two-weeks forecasting and commentary. 

Reliable data sources you can trust

Our trusted, valued, and analyst-driven data reports and insights are based on real-time data to help you accurately project growth opportunities to maximise profits while minimising risk.

Unlock visibility into unexpected events

Get ahead of the competition with exclusive insights into unexpected events (such as generator trips) that can quickly affect real-time markets. Thousands of traders choose our North America Power Solutions to predict volatility in power markets and enter trades ahead of the market reaction.

Find all the information you need in one place

Get full access to integrated and aggregated data tools that keep you up to date with the bigger picture. Some of the biggest names in the industry use our North America Power Solutions to accurately model power output, strengthen strategies.

Invest in the right opportunities – in the short and long term

Predict market movements and supply and demand fluctuations from months to years ahead. Our power solutions give you a holistic visual representation of major constraint patterns, congestion risks and historic impact analysis. Construct in-house models to enhance business decisions, and get a long-term view to 2050 with scenarios to ‘plug n play’ based on your unique workflow needs. 

Why do thousands of Traders use Wood Mackenzie’s short term power products?

To measure and reduce risk

To maximise profit and opportunity

To get real-time visibility

To unlock accurate, current and reliable data

To access aggregated information in one place

Discover best-in-market short term power solutions

North America Power Solutions

Stay ahead of the power market with unmatched access to real-time monitoring data, power flow analytics, and modeling capabilities.

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Anticipate wind-related congestion and power price volatility, with accurate wind power generation forecasts and expert market analysis.

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EPSI Mexico

Forecast prices and supply-demand fundamentals for the Mexico power market

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EPSI Europe

Discover, analyse, and strategise business opportunities in the short, mid, and long-term power markets to stay ahead of the curve, no matter the scenario.

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PowerRT Europe

Identify new trading opportunities, optimise asset utilisation and assess market trends.

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EPSI Japan

Get a clear view of the Japanese power market with cutting edge market modelling and unique insights into supply and demand fundamentals across the grid.

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PowerRT Japan

Access real-time power plant output and transmission flow data across the Japanese power markets.

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