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FID bonanza, upstream cost curves, US solar markets: this week's featured insights

What are some of the hottest topics in store this week?

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What's the long-term outlook for Europe power markets?

The patience of national policy makers has been stretched too far by low emissions costs and the continued competitiveness of coal in European power supply – where a fuel cannot be priced out of a market, it can be ruled out by policy.

With marked reductions in power supply from coal and nuclear, we expect to see support for gas generation. The falling costs of wind and solar are facilitating major changes in subsidy and support regimes. While competitive market arrangements continue delivering value, subsidy-free opportunities are also becoming a reality – although choice of market, site and technology remain critical to project success.

This report presents our long-term outlook for European power markets to 2040, including a full summary of our regional view and an outline of developments in individual key markets.

Why buy this report?

  • Understand what will influence European power markets to 2040
  • Gain a comprehensive view of supply, demand and pricing across regional markets
  • Get access to our forecasts on which energy sources will dominate in key regions: how quickly will coal and nuclear be phased out in favour of gas and renewables? 
  • The report comes with datasets and charts analysing supply and demand factors across 5 countries

Visit the store to buy a copy

Global oil cost curves and pre-FID breakevens – H2 2018

Senior research analayst Harry Paton shares the latest breakeven analysis to help you understand the global cost of supply. Breakeven costs are assigned to every element of our global liquids supply view, allowing a detailed, comprehensive understanding of the global cost of supply. 

Buy this report to learn: 

  • Are higher cost sources of supply required? 
  • Is US tight oil the cheapest form of new supply? 
  • How important are pre-FID projects and how much of a role will contingent resources, reserves growth and further exploration have in the future cost of supply?

Visit the store to find out more about this report

US solar market insight: 2018 year-in-review

Each quarter, our power and renewable experts collect granular data on the US solar market from nearly 200 utilities, state agencies, installers and manufacturers. This data provides the backbone of this US solar market report, in which we identify and analyse trends in US solar demand, manufacturing and pricing by state and market segment. We also use this analysis to look forward and forecast demand over the next five years. 

Key points in this quarter's report: 

  • For the sixth straight year, solar was one of the top two sources of new electricity generating capacity in the US.
  • Cumulative operating solar PV capacity now stands at 62.4 GWdc, about 75 times more than was installed at the end of 2008.
  • After modest decline in 2018, the national solar PV market will resume growth in 2019-2020, primarily driven by continued growth in the residential segment and a rebound in the utility PV sector.

Get your copy of the report here


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