Polypropylene Global Supply Demand Analytics Service

Polypropylene’s extreme versatility to make many everyday plastic products means its demand outlook is heavily dependent on global consumer trends.

1 minute read

Over 70 million tonnes of polypropylene were consumed globally in 2017, a figure that is expected to grow to nearly 100 million tonnes by 2025 to meet anticipated global demand growth. Thanks to its versatility, polypropylene has a wide range of end uses, so understanding demand from these various end use segments is key to understand polypropylene markets.

Geographical demand centres also play an important role in understanding end-use industries. As the largest producer and consumer of polypropylene in the world, rapid investments in polypropylene production has transformed China from being one of the largest importers of polypropylene to becoming self-sufficient on this polymer. While other countries will also continue to invest in polypropylene, this will primarily serve demand growth within their own domestic market.

In addition to end-use analyses, you need a comprehensive view of global supply and demand, price forecasts, and petrochemical feedstock trends to remain competitive in this rapidly changing market. The Polypropylene Global Supply Demand Analytics Service offers a complete long-term picture of the global polypropylene market and includes cutting-edge data, reports and forecasts through 2040, with an integrated view of crude oil, propylene and other key feedstocks though the polypropylene value chain.

Key features at a glance:

  • Detailed global polypropylene supply/demand balances for every major producing and consuming country in the world
  • Integrated and realistic view of demand by conversion process, including film, sheet, injection moulding, fibre and raffia
  • Comprehensive polypropylene production capacities itemized by operator, location, technology and size
  • Market price, cost and margin forecasts for polypropylene in all major market centres of the world, including key assumptions for energy, feedstocks, operating costs and capital costs

The service includes a graphical user interface and offers the following:

  • Polypropylene strategic outlook analysis report
  • Polypropylene capacity and projects in a Microsoft Excel data file
  • Polypropylene supply/demand balances in a Microsoft Excel data file
  • Polypropylene prices, costs and cash margins in a Microsoft Excel data file
  • Polypropylene trade flows in a Microsoft Excel data file

For more information on this study, download the brochure by completing the form on this page or contact chemicals@woodmac.com.