
What does the oil price crash mean for you?

Our team of global upstream experts tackles the industry’s burning questions in this 35-minute webinar

1 minute read

The coronavirus outbreak has derailed OPEC+, thrown the oil market into turmoil and sent an already unloved sector into freefall, setting in motion a chain of events that led to a record-breaking fall in the price of oil. While the long-term impact on demand and commodity prices is still unclear, it is obvious that current prices are bleak news for the sector. As the price rout deepens, the oil and gas sector is back into survival mode.

Replay the webinar below for the answers to some of your most pressing questions about the impact on the oil and gas sector. Contact us to find out how to subscribe to our in-depth coverage of the upstream sector.

You asked, we answered: 

  • How much do we think investment is going to fall this year, why is it different to the last price crash, and where are the costs most likely to be cut?
  • What do capex cuts mean for future oil and gas production in the Lower 48?
  • Will hedging safeguard E&P revenues and mean they don’t have to make such aggressive cuts to capex?
  • And many more questions about supply, demand and the methodology that underpins our research.

Meet the team 

Ed Crooks, former energy editor at the Financial Times and now vice-chair of energy at Wood Mackenzie, put your questions to our panel of experts:

  • Linda Htein, Senior Research Manager, Lower 48 Upstream Oil and Gas, answering your questions about oil and gas production and cost-cutting in the Lower 48
  • Fraser McKay, Head of Upstream Analysis, bringing you his expertise on company finances and global financial markets

Watch the webinar below. And fill in the form on this page to get your copy of the presentation slides, which includes our revised global outlook for FIDs in 2020 and several more charts and analysis. 


To submit your own question to our team of global upstream experts, contact us here. 


What does the oil price crash mean for the oil and gas industry?

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