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Horizons podcast: Forging a path to net zero will require collaboration on a global scale

In conversation with Shell Energy

1 minute read

On this special episode of the Horizons podcast our host Dr Liz Dennett is joined by Carolyn Comer, President at Shell Energy Americas and Simon Flowers, Chief Analyst at Wood Mackenzie. 

How do we shape the future of energy? We know where we need to be - at net zero - but there isn’t just one path to get there. Decarbonising the global economy will require a multi-pronged approach. We’ll need to change the way we power our planet, by revolutionising the grid and investing in the right places.  

On this episode we discuss how Shell Energy are setting their sights on a zero emission future. Their plans for the coming decades involve investment in innovative technologies, development of infrastructure and optimising the next generation of energy grids. 

Listen to previous episodes of the Horizons podcast.

The Horizons podcast is brought to you by Shell Energy, who are helping guide businesses through their energy transition by offering a tailored energy roadmap, and solutions across the energy value chain. Learn more at

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