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COP28: What's the point of the COP? | Podcast

On day 9 of the climate talks, what do the experts think?

As Simon Stiell, Executive Secretary of the UNFCC, said today, it’s go-time for governments at COP28 this week. To examine the latest stories Ed Crooks has assembled a panel of energy experts: regular Energy Gang guest Melissa Lott, who is Director of Columbia University’s Center on Global Energy Policy, Morgan Bazilion, Director of the Payne Institute for Public Policy and professor of public policy at the Colorado School of Mines, and Julio Friedmann, Non-Resident Fellow at the Center on Global Energy Policy and CEO of Carbon Wrangler.

Together they debate the efficacy of an annual climate summit, the potential impacts of next year’s US and UK elections on global climate and energy policy and the latest key takeaways from the talks.

Subscribe to the show on your podcast platform of choice so you don’t miss any of these special episodes coming live from COP28, and join the conversation on social media: we’re @theenergygang.