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How banks and government are working together to achieve net zero in the UK

Bankers For Net Zero is an initiative working to join the dots between investment and policy

In the UK, the collaboration between banks and policymakers is crucial for accelerating the energy transition. The financial sector in the UK managed assets worth over 9 trillion UK pounds (11.3 trillion USD) as of 2020, with a considerable portion needing realignment towards sustainable investments to meet the 2050 net zero goal. The Climate Change Committee, an independent advisory board to the UK government, estimates 50 billion UK pounds, or US$60 billion per year, is needed to meet net zero goals.

Heather Buchanan is co-founder of Bankers For Net Zero, an initiative aiming to involve banks with governments to make better investment and policy decisions for the energy transition. One significant need for investment is the retrofitting of the housing stock; over half of the UK’s homes are old and inefficient. This a major challenge for banks. Heather explores the financial implications of decarbonising financed emissions from all banking products by 2050.

Plus, the importance of Energy Performance Certificates and measuring efficiency, the financial incentives to de-risk clean energy investments, and how B4NZ is working to engage banks, government and NGOs to drive us to net zero. Collaboration is crucial, but it’s a constant struggle.

The Interchange is back at Wood Mackenzie’s Solar Energy and Storage Summit, in San Francisco on June 12. To secure your ticket visit

In this episode:

00:00:08: Importance of collaboration between banks and policymakers for energy transition

00:00:43: About Bankers for Net Zero initiative

00:01:20: Discussion begins about financial community involvement in energy transition

00:01:35: Introduction and milestones of Bankers for Net Zero

00:04:19: Focus area for Bankers for Net Zero

00:06:06: Challenges faced in housing issue and retrofit issue

00:08:33: Introduction to National Retrofit Hub and role of energy performance certificate

00:10:40: Ideas to de-risk financial burden of energy efficiency

00:12:24: Coordinating energy efficiency on a larger scale

00:14:41: Importance of convincing constituents

00:15:22: Role of communities in the energy efficiency transition

00:16:20: Designing policy to support the energy efficiency efforts

00:18:01: Importance and issues of EPC in retrofitting

00:20:00: Balancing energy security and costs

00:23:35: The Role of Financial Institutions & SME's

00:25:50: Changes to GHG Protocols

00:27:04: Introduction to Project Perseus

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