Kelly has been with Wood Mackenzie since 2013 and leads our Chinese chemicals research offering. She is based in Shanghai and advises clients throughout Asia, Europe and the Americas. Kelly has researched both olefin and downstream supply and demand, and carried out extensive cost and price analysis. She is also regularly involved in our China-based chemical consulting projects.
Kelly is an expert in the coal-to-olefins (CTO) and methanol-to-olefins (MTO) sector. She created and now manages our CTO and MTO asset cost model, which provides detailed insight and forecasts for all plants in China. She has also led CTO/MTO-related consulting projects and a China CTO/MTO multi-client study.
Previously, Kelly was a consultant in a European petrochemical consulting company for five years. She also has several years’ sales and marketing experience with two other chemical companies.
MA Industrial Economics, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics
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