
Fibres Global Monthly Market Overview - October 2018

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Our monthly Fibres Report provides a detailed and granular overview of the global textile industry for textile fibres, supported by robust proprietary data. It includes raw materials commentary with information on recent market developments in the principal feedstocks for polyester, nylon, acrylic, cellulosic and PP fibres (especially PTA, MEG, caprolactam, propylene and dissolving wood pulp) plus PTMEG for spandex Also included are the latest regional prices for feedstocks and fibres, regional updates for Asia/Far East, the USA, Latin America and West Europe covering polyester, nylon, acrylic, viscose, wool, cotton and spandex, and price tables for nearly 50 fibre products. The Fibres Report also carries Price Tendencies for polyester filament and fibres, as well as broad economic, trade, production and price data.

Table of contents

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Tables and charts

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What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    PDF_Fibres Global Monthly Market Overview 2018_10.pdf

    PDF 1.12 MB

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