
CCUS: 4 things to look for in 2023

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2023 will be the year that CCUS moves from niche concept to mainstream investment theme. Global planned CCUS capacity has increased to 1.05 Btpa. Announcements made across all sectors in the past year show incredible momentum and are the bedrock to the CCUS industry’s future growth. However, progress here needs to speed up for companies and countries to meet their decarbonisation targets. We identify four key things to look for in 2023.

Table of contents

  • Investment in storage appraisal will step up
  • More M&A as companies build positions in hubs

Tables and charts

This report includes 1 images and tables including:

  • Announced Asian CCUS projects by development status

What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    CCUS: 4 things to look for in 2023

    PDF 913.85 KB