Commodity Market Report

Zhejiang gas markets long-term outlook H1 2015

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*Please note that this report only includes an Excel data file if this is indicated in "What's included" below

Strategically located to the south of Shanghai on China's eastern coast, Zhejiang boasts a dynamic economy and a rising urban population. While Zhejiang has very limited indigenous gas supply, the province will benefit from the expansion of multiple supply options into eastern China, including Central Asia, LNG and future domestic unconventional gas.

Table of contents

  • Executive summary
  • Economic outlook
  • Infrastructure
  • Policy and regulation
    • Gas demand overview
    • Power sector gas demand
      • Installed Power Capacity
      • Power output
      • Power demand
    • Non Power Demand
      • Industry & chemical
      • Residential & commercial
      • Transportation
    • Supply-demand balance
    • Domestic supply allocation
      • Contracted and technical reserves
      • Yet-to-find and unconventional gas supply
    • Imported gas supply allocation
      • Pipeline gas
      • LNG
    • Supply cost stack
      • Weighted average cost of supply
    • End-user pricing

Tables and charts

This report includes 25 images and tables including:

  • Zhejiang total gas demand summary
  • Zhejiang total gas supply-demand balance summary
  • Economic indicators - Zhejiang
  • Zhejiang gas and power infrastructure map
  • Policy and regulation: Table 1
  • Zhejiang total gas demand
  • Zhejiang gas demand by sector
  • Zhejiang gas supply-demand balance
  • Contracted domestic supply allocation
  • Uncontracted domestic supply allocation
  • Yet-to-find domestic supply allocation
  • Zhejiang supply cost stack 2015
  • Zhejiang supply cost stack 2035
  • Zhejiang end-user gas prices vs. competing fuels (Q1 2015)
  • Zhejiang installed capacity by fuel type
  • Zhejiang monthly output
  • Zhejiang yearly output
  • Zhejiang power demand forecast
  • Zhejiang unconventional gas demand
  • Shale gas by basin
  • CBM by basin
  • Zhejiang import pipeline gas supply
  • LNG supply vs regas capacity
  • LNG terminals
  • Zhejiang weighted average cost of gas vs. competing fuels

What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    Zhejiang Gas Data.xls

    XLS 628.50 KB

  • Document

    Zhejiang gas markets long-term outlook H1 2015

    PDF 547.68 KB

  • Document

    Executive summary

    PDF 97.68 KB

  • Document

    Economic outlook

    PDF 77.00 KB

  • Document


    PDF 248.10 KB

  • Document

    Policy and regulation

    PDF 58.30 KB

  • Document


    PDF 145.25 KB

  • Document

    Supply-demand balances

    PDF 123.41 KB

  • Document


    PDF 81.81 KB

  • Document


    PDF 81.25 KB