
Australian LNG train starts: 1 down, 13 to go

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CSG-LNG start-up could prove to be more successful than Australia's conventional LNG developments. Disappointing progress at the conventional LNG projects could cause delays of up to 18 months are expected and further schedule changes may arise. By contrast CSG-LNG start-up remains largely on or close to original guidance. The LNG ramp-up volumes in our H1 15 update include 11 million tonnes less LNG in aggregate between 2015-19, compared to our view in H2 14.

Table of contents

Tables and charts

This report includes 4 images and tables including:

  • WM H1 2015 view of LNG ramp vs operator guidance
  • WM H1 2015 LNG shortfall vs WM H2 2014 view
  • Ramp up of Queensland CSG-LNG projects
  • Upstream CSG wells and third party gas

What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    Australian LNG train starts: 1 down, 13 to go

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