
Global short-term LNG supply tracker (Q1 2024)

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In Africa, Congo loads its first cargo from Marine XII FLNG and Nigeria experiences a sudden surge in performance at NLNG, with output close to pre-flooding levels. Meanwhile, Russia’s Arctic LNG-2 is on the verge of start-up, but a buyer for its first cargo is yet to be secured. Tangguh’s third train is forced offline due to technical issues, and the Freeport's Train 3 outage is extended further after the refrigeration system was damaged by storm Heather in January.

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What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    Short Term LNG Supply Tracker Q1 2024.xlsx

    XLSX 1.00 MB

  • Document

    Short Term Supply Tracker Q1 2024.pdf

    PDF 746.68 KB